
07/2013—Friends of Friends investigates new forms of social urban experience by proposing systems of technological objects which act as crossovers between online social networking services and the physical city. The project redesigns the ubiquitous parking lot into an elaborately hybridized ‘third space’ that exists at the threshold of palpable local and intangible internet-based domains. Cars – driven by individual occupants – are the primary means to navigate and activate these environments. Constellations of building-like physical icons, signage, bumps and markings (incorporating sensors and displays) provide inputs and outputs for media to flow back and forth from people to devices to vehicles to environment. Various acts of maneuvering and parking have corresponding network actions of ‘friending’, ‘like’-ing, ‘check in’, and so on. The project seeks to define a hybrid environment that offers novel possibilities for interaction and inhabitation. This project is a collaboration with Shona Kitchen; with assistance from and thanks to Ian Besler, Alex Braidwood, Jeremy Eichenbaum, Jae Kim, Hye-Mi Kim, Andrew Nagata, Sarah Needham, Zhengxin Xi; with thanks to Intel People and Practices Research, especially Ken Anderson and Tye Rattenbury. (more...)

Maecenas placerat finibus mollis. Suspendisse euismod tincidunt dolor vitae varius. Nam dictum fringilla ultrices. Curabitur quis mauris eu ex ultrices imperdiet. Aliquam rhoncus, ante sed sagittis feugiat, purus velit accumsan arcu, sed mattis urna erat et velit. Donec auctor laoreet purus. Nam iaculis ante dui, et congue dui molestie eu. Nunc tristique velit ut arcu auctor aliquam.


Aliquam ullamcorper in ante et tincidunt. Aenean gravida enim ac nunc vulputate placerat. Cras maximus purus et tortor aliquet, ut hendrerit lorem laoreet. Maecenas tempor sapien eu dui aliquet auctor. Aliquam quis interdum augue, eget facilisis sapien. Integer in dapibus nunc. Cras malesuada ut nunc sit amet viverra.